Souhrn |
#22 |
You can launch the program by double-clicking on the Band-in-a-Box® application icon in the /Applications/Band-in-a-Box folder.
Remember to set a custom location of the RealDrums and RealTracks in the Band-in-a-Box® Preferences dialogs, if you have them installed in a different location than the Band-in-a-Box Folder (e.g. on an external hard drive).
If you wish to make an alias to open the program, you can click on the Band-in-a-Box® application, press command-L (or File menu | Make Alias), and drag the newly created alias to the desktop.
If you wish to add Band-in-a-Box® to the dock, you can drag the Band-in-a-Box® application there, or you can control-click on the icon in the dock while the application is running, and select Keep in dock.
Have fun!

Naše společnost On-Line, s.r.o. je oficiálním dodavatelem všech produktů PG Music, Inc pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku